Family New Year Resolutions

One way to make this a great New Year for our families is to commit to some resolutions together as a family.  Our Parish Liturgical Year Resolution, announced in Advent, is to be Alive as the Body of Christ:  Living the Gospel, Embracing our Call.

First, resolve to join all our St. Michael’s families at Mass each Saturday evening or Sunday morning, thanking God for our being Alive as the Body of Christ.  Then pick one or several of these additional family resolutions that are right for your family and that will make you and us more Alive as the Body of Christ?

To help with keeping your resolutions, on a set day and time each month, talk together about and celebrate your progress.

We as a family resolve to:

  1. Talk together once a month about how we, as individuals, as a family and as St. Michael’s Family are “Living the Gospel, Embracing our Call.”
  2. Spend at least 20 minutes each day talking as a family or working together on household chores.
  3. Connect with other families to build friendships and an extended support system.
  4. Hold family meetings to solve problems, share good news and plan fun events.
  5. Laugh together as a family every day.
  6. Once a month look at family photos, talk about how we are growing in being Alive as the Body of Christ – as individuals, as a family and as members of St. Michael’s Family.
  7. Read together as a family at least once a week – even if our kids are older.
  8. Set aside one night per week as family night:  have dinner together, play a game, pray as a family.
  9. Volunteer time, resources, or both to a charity that serves children and families. For example, make sandwiches together for the Samaritan Ministry.  (See email blast and bulletin.)
  10. Work together to change one thing about our family life that is keeping us from being a better family.

  Adapted from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois

