Marriage: A relationship modeled on that of the Persons in the Trinity. WOW!

When people think of the Catholic Church’s teaching on sex and marriage, they often think of “prohibitions.” Others say they are “coping” or “not happy” with the Church’s teachings. What this shows is that many of our Catholics have only a surface knowledge of these teachings and the joy and happiness of a love and marriage deeply rooted in God.  The God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Program offers a refreshing, liberating vision of marriage and sexuality—one that helps couples fully embrace, and even celebrate, God’s glorious plan for a man and woman united in marriage.

The wedding is more than a ceremony:  it’s a sacrament – a visible sign of God’s invisible grace, God really touching the life of these two people.  It’s a wedding of three, husband, wife and the Lord, a reflection of the love of the Trinity, that same pact of love.  And this reflection of the love of the Trinity continues and grows stronger all through the life-long marriage.

If you would be interested in attending a 1-2 hour session in which you could learn about and discuss these topics, please click here and let us know what days and times work best for you.

