Leaving the Easter Season on a High Note

Ascension Thursday, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi (Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ).  One feast after another, like a 3-step formula for what God intends for us, who, like the Apostles after the Ascension, no longer can see Jesus in His earthly body:  (1) Let the Spirit in, (2) Live mindful of our intimate connection with our Triune God and (3) Receive, become and proclaim the Body of Christ.

Let the Spirit In

Let the Spirit enter into you.  Stop dead in your tracks and breathe in the Spirit. Let God’s Spirit take root in the deepest recesses of your being.

Live Mindful of Your Intimate Connection with the Triune God

In so doing, you allow our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to heal your wounds, remove your feelings of inadequacy and, like the Apostles on Pentecost, let yourself experience the awesomeness of God.  And there is more.

Receive, become and proclaim the Body of Christ

Receive and be one with the Body of Christ, now with us in a new way.  When you come to church this weekend, you will once again take and eat the Body of Christ.  Like the Apostles on Pentecost, be open to receive Jesus, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.  Let His Spirit heal and transform you. And then, like the Apostles, go out into your everyday life, no longer as the you who entered the church an hour before, but as the more genuine, God-transformed you.  Let God in.  And when you go out from the church, let God’s love flow into the lives of the people you meet.


In these three feasts, we get a refresher course in all that mattered to Jesus:  Our Reality through God, with God and in God.
