With World In Crisis, It’s Time For A Panoply Of Prayer

On August 13, Star Ledger Guest Columnist, Newark Archbishop John Myers, called on all people to pray for peace in the world’s most troubled areas

“We have yet another fragile cease-fire in Gaza. The Egyptians are working with the two sides — Israel and Hamas — to build a form of peace in the area. . . . This is good news, but as recent and past history has shown, the news may, sadly, be fleeting.”

Along with hoping for a solution to come from ideological, religious and economic negotiations in distant areas of the world, the Archbishop asks us to do our part.  He writes, “The God I worship, whose teachings I follow and who, in my role as bishop and shepherd, I have called others to embrace, tells me that this is the time for a movement of prayer and solidarity with all our brothers and sisters, and with all people struck by this dramatic and tragic situation. . . .  I ask you to join the persecuted people in Iraq, Syria, Israel and Gaza in this prayer.  It will be answered, as was the prayer of deliverance that Daniel spoke on the banks of the Tigris some 2,600 years ago.”

Lord, peace is the foundation of life.  Grant us the peace and stability that will enable us to live with each other without fear and anxiety, and with dignity and joy.

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