If we believe that God is the creator of all life, surely we must also believe that God, more than anyone else knows the reason I am here. It is only in my personal prayer, my time spent in my I-Thou presence, that I expose myself to God and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal God to me. (It is not that God is not always present; it is that I usually am too busy to allow myself to be present to God!)

And, of course, it also helps if one takes time to learn from what others have discovered about their vocations, the meaning of their lives and the relationships they are developing with God and others. We hope that you will join us here at St. Michael Church as we celebrate our awesome God, as we discover and share God's goodness and express our love for our God and our gratefulness for all God's graces and gifts, especially the people in our lives.

Please consider joining us as we celebrate God, and commit ourselves to growing into the fullness of our lives as disciples, followers of Jesus who are striving to live lives modeled after His life.  Join us for Mass. Receive the Eucharist with us. Explore our website and participate with us in our ministries.

Join us at St. Michael's by requesting to begin the Parish Registration Process by contacting the Parish Office by stopping by the Parish Center (Use the Miln Street Tower Entrance.), phone (908) 276-0360 or email Parish Center.

We seek to personally let God in - to be a community of disciples whose lives radiate the joy of the Gospel - in our homes, in our church and wherever we go.


As a Catholic Parish community, we believe that "the dignity of the human person is rooted in one's having been created in the image and likeness of God." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1700)

We believe that our God lovingly created us.

We believe that, by acknowledging and accepting God's grace, we are capable of growing into the fullness of our unique personhood.

We believe that God is a Trinity of persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that we, humans, are communal, that we long for and thrive in building bonds with others and helping others to build bonds.

We strive to live as Jesus' missionary disciples through our five values - our five core values of discipleship - Community, Learning, Praying, Serving, and Sharing.

We believe that we have a shared responsibility to nurture ourselves as a Community that worships God, shares our gifts, serves the common good, makes a meaningful difference in people’s lives and responds to the challenge of being disciples who live the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day.

We are grateful to God that you have found us and we pray you join our quest to become individually and communally God's people.

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