Liturgical Ministries

People of God
When we enter our church for worship, we are united in Christ and join with each other to profess our gratitude to God and proclaim our allegiance to His Kingdom. Members of the People of God, united in the name of Jesus, we lift our minds and hearts to God, we hear God’s Word and receive the Eucharist so that we may live more God-centered lives all our days. Thus all participate in the liturgy — “the work of the people” — through active presence expressed in gestures of welcome, in reverent and attentive listening, in spoken and sung words of praise and petition, in attitudes of prayerful adoration, and in renewed acceptance of our mission to live faithfully the Gospel of Christ in the works of charity, justice and peace.

UshersParishioners are further encouraged to assist by engaging in the following additional opportunities for liturgical ministry:

Our Greeters and Ushers welcome parishioners and visitors and assist those who come to Mass on the weekend. This includes distributing worship aids, directing worshippers to open seating, collecting the parish offering, and distributing bulletins. Please contact the Parish Center for information.


Lectors proclaim the readings at the Sunday and weekday Masses. Two lectors are assigned for each Mass. Training is provided.

Altar Servers are an important part of the Mass. They assist the celebrating priest during Mass. This includes leading both processions and preparing the altar for celebration of the Eucharist. Boys and girls may begin serving in the 4th grade after attending the required training sessions, and typically serve through high school. Two servers are assigned for each Mass.

Altar Servers helping prepare The Eucharist during Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of the Sacrament of Eucharist at Mass and for those who are homebound. Training is required before receiving a mandate from the Archdiocese of Newark. Please visit the Parish Center for information on all of the above ministries.

The Art and Environment Committee decorates for Easter.
The Art and Environment Committee at St. Michael’s works to enhance our worship environment.  Some of their duties include seasonal decorations for the Church and the parish properties.  They also manage the weekly altar floral arrangements.  This committee keeps current on Church directives and other materials and offerings enabling them to better serve our parish community in the area of Art and the Environment.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Ministers share their faith with the children of St. Michael’s parish. Dismissed from Mass as the Liturgy of the Word begins, Ministers escort children to the Sarah Black room and share the Scripture readings proclaimed in ‘child friendly’ terms. For more information, contact the Religious Education office at 276-2050.

Music Ministries
“He who sings, prays twice.” — St. Augustine

All are invited to take part in the Music Ministries at St. Michael’s. We welcome people of every age level and every level of musical ability.

AdultChoirSt. Michael’s Adult Choir 

 Youth Contemporary Ensemble, “The Sunday Noon Mass Choir”

Resurrection Choir 


To join one or more of our Music Ministries, please go to that listing in the We Serve option of this website’s Main Menu.


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