“Jesus said, ‘I have told you this while I am with you.
The Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I told you.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
’”  John 14:25-27

It has been fifty weeks since last Pentecost. What has happened to us and to those around us since then? Have we heard and followed the Spirit’s “reminders” of “all that Jesus told us”? Did we act on the reminders or opt to ignore them? Or were we too busy to even notice them?

Think about those fifty weeks since last Pentecost. What promptings of the Spirit did we follow? What promptings did we miss? And, more important for the coming year, why did we miss them and are we going to do something so that we miss fewer in this coming year?

What more could God do for us than sending us Jesus and the Spirit?

Let’s spend the next two weeks reflecting on this and readying ourselves to receive the Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Let’s do better at being attentive to the Spirit. Let’s train ourselves to notice the Spirit “reminding us of all that Jesus told us” so that, as renewed Christ-followers, many signs of Christ’s peace may flow into the world.

Sister Loretta
