“Peace be with you.
As the Father has sent me,
so I send you. . . .
Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22

Pope Francis says in “The Joy of the Gospel” (2013) that God offers us dignified life, Life in the Spirit.

In Chapter One he writes: “Life in the Spirit, which has its source in the heart of the Risen Christ is . . .  a dignified and fulfilled life.” It is a meaningful, joy-filled way of life, a life like the one Jesus lived and asks us to live.

Cardinal Tobin, in his recent Rejoice in the Lord newsletter reminds us that in this same exhortation, Pope Francis “challenges all of us—no matter who we are—to be ‘Spirit-filled evangelizers,’ disciples of Jesus Christ whose hearts are on fire, who have a keen sense of mission, and who never hesitate to proclaim the Good News (#259).


When was the last time your heart was on fire about something?  What was it about the cause of that fervor that triggered it? And did you share the cause of that fire with anyone?

Maybe it was just a little thing, like having a spectacular meal at a new restaurant or seeing a really insightful or enjoyable movie.  Like many people, you probably told someone about it.  Did you?  If so, why did you?

Cardinal Tobin also says in his newsletter that, although we Catholics have always “stood out” from other Christians in our worship, our devotions (especially to Mary and the saints) and our observances (Lenten abstinence and meatless Fridays, for example), we don’t show people that our hearts are on fire about our faith.

I would guess that some, maybe many, of us who share the news about a new good restaurant or film, don’t do so – do not share joy and excitement about God having created all of us, or about Jesus having sent us the Holy Spirit to be our companion and guide. Do we even experience joy in this?

Is this true of me? And, if so, why?

Pope Francis want us to think about this.  He says “How I long for the right words to stir up enthusiasm for a new chapter of evangelization full of fervor, joy, generosity, courage, boundless love and attraction! Yet I realize that no words of encouragement will be enough unless the fire of the Holy Spirit burns in our hearts” (#261).

And Cardinal Tobin, our Archbishop, seconds that, “The pope challenges all of us—no matter who we are—to be “Spirit-filled evangelizers,” disciples of Jesus Christ whose hearts are on fire, who have a keen sense of mission, and who never hesitate to proclaim the Good News (#259).”

The Cardinal ends his newsletter:  “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our weary, war-torn world experienced a renewed ‘missionary outburst’ in this troubled time!”

Let’s open ourselves to the Pentecost Spirit of God. Let the Spirit set our hearts on fire!

Sister Loretta
